Bed-Edging Your Lanscape
Using some kind of bed-edging to the flower beds of the landscape allow for proper spacing and keeping the planting beds contained from the lawn. There are many different kinds of edging materials that are offered. Homeowners can choose from a natural, aluminum, black diamond or brick bed-edging for there planting beds.
A natural bed-edge is the most common and cheapest way to properly separate your planting beds from the rest of the landscape. It gives a distinct cut allowing the bed to show how the bed covering and mulch can enhance the beauty of the property.
The Natural bed-edge can be cut with a shovel or motorized bed cutting tool. The edge is usually cut to about 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 inch depth.
However, it is important to do every year maintenance on the edge to keep the fresh cut look of the bed-edge.
Aluminum bed-edging is a nice way to give a crisp cut to show the border between bed-edge and lawn. This can also be used to give a border to patio and lawn as well. Aluminum edging is very versatile in this way of the different areas it can be applied to a landscape.
When using this material for your edging it should be noted that it is very easy for the lawn to over grow the edging and must be monitored so that the lawn doesn’t over grow the aluminum and grow back in to bed.
We offer a bed maintenance program for weeding and to keep an eye on the edging to make sure you keep this fresh new appearance to your planting beds.
Black Diamond Edging is another common material used that will give a wider breach between lawn and bed. This is often used to separate stone and lawn or mulch.
Black Diamond is less expensive than aluminum edge but it is not as durable. Most often the edging gets damaged by trimming from lawn maintenance whips. Causing cracks and missing chunks of plastic in the edging.
Lawn will take longer to over take this edging and in a lot of ways is better at keeping the separation of the lawn from bed.
Most homeowners prefer this material because it is cost effective and easy to replace if damaged.
Brick Edging has many positives and is by far the best way to show the border between the bed and lawn with elegance and beauty. It also requires less maintenance than the other materials that can be used. Brick can weather the crazy Michigan environments. Also, stands up again trimmer damage do to lawn cutting companies.
The many benefits of this type of edging is all the reason needed to got this route when possible. Brick is more expensive than the other forms of edging but, the most practical
The expense is worth the low maintenance and beautification that it offers.
As a residential and commercial landscaping company in Michigan, we’re experienced in both property care and landscaping design. With over 40 years of experience in the industry, Design One is great source of information when it comes to your Michigan lawn care needs! From preliminary design mapping, to irrigation and the types of plants you might want on your priority, we cover it all.